Sunday, October 27, 2013



1. 最近写部落的次数还算蛮频密的...(爱上打字? >.<)
2. 蛮古怪的脾气

***来, 解释一下原因1, 可能是做fyp的关系加上常呆在家.有些心情不懂该往哪里抒发就往部落长篇大论一番.


现在fb酱的社交网络已经是我的home page了,所以非常讨厌看到那些每次重复重复都抱怨说为什么自己喜欢的人为什么不理(我) 啦, (我)很想你啦,怎么没回(我)信息啦, (你)有在想(我)吗??... ...之类之类的废话==

(ps:  我=发表状态的人; 你= 那个痴恋狂的对象)

而且几乎是每天都看到... 起初觉得还好吧...有了新对象,希望你找到幸福啦. 后来,我觉得这个人的思想和行为已经是一种病态了.每天都在怨天尤人....(你到底烦不烦啊?!)


对别人重复性的状态抱着酱子的情绪我也不晓得自己的反应是不是有问题.但是,我还是觉得那个人真的很有问题. >.<

不是每张  耳朵/眼睛  都喜欢  听/看  你的抱怨,. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

glad to be with u all

omg !!!!! ...the event that i'd/we'd  joined is on The Star online news.... just cant believe it and never thought that journalist has covered the event....i gt to know it from fb, click on the fxxking like and so exciting now!!!!!

Alright, this is the 3rd concert that i have joined since i am staying in pj for my degree. and i have learn alot regards to the dizi skills by "tou shi", it's the cheapest way to learn instrument...LOL

of course, there were a lot of fun and some emotional kind of thing had happened ; which i dont really wish to fresh back about it, but the auto-run process just bring me there, wtf was that being kind to a person, in the end  being point by the duuttttt words ==, s'more he's a teacher.

[personal think that those (part of) teachers that i've meet in pj/degree period is like always failed in respecting people ]

and sadly that the dai goh ( the man who call for lets ply some soundtrack together) have announced that he wouldn't continue for doing this sort of event d ='[

[due to the reason of some conflicts in the process of this event+health issue, if not mistaken]

UNLESS !!! we can give him  "可以让他继续傻下去的理由", is basically quote from wht he's said.
im just appreciate that everything he made for us and contributed (song writer, song composer, music scores distributor,  conductor, organizer, PR...etc  ....) in the event and you'v own my respect.

wishing that the "When Soundtrack Alive II" coming soon... ... ... ... crazier...i want to on stage with you guyss ...miss ya =']

btw, click on the link if u're interested on wads happening bout' the event  >>>>


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

let's ply clap and hide....and it's not "conjuring"

jst feel to write, write down all of my sight 
jst dont feel to read, seriously refuse to do it 
what i have is empty 
 cant even think on creativity...
jst  feel to talk loudly but there is nobody....

escape from reality.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Let Her Go - Passenger (Boyce Avenue feat. Hannah Trigwell)

my recent favorite song.
only know when you get in trouble and realize being as usual as ordinary thats called the beauty of peace.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Insidious 2

Well, i think this is the first post that i write a review for movie. honestly, i was freaking regret to sit for horror movie which totally not the usual sort of movie that i would go for. this time is jst distract myself to divert the negative emotion, so, the challenge accepted.

i have been sitting  approximately 145min for INSIDIOUS-Chapter 2. im not going to critic the storyline or wadsoever. what i going to comment is about the soundtrack, which is the soul for horror movie. if comparing from the last masterpiece -Conjuring by James Wan. the used of soundtrack involved a
 lot of base effects to create the fear but yet the thing doesnt came out == ...and self-scaring was wad i had felt.

the turn for Insidious, wad an unexpected soundtrack been chosen is high pitch sound of violin with some base which STRAIGHT FORWARD to SCARE you. YET! the THING didnt came out every time when the high pitch soundtrack came in.

the feeling is like watching classical kind of horror movie, if you're prefers this type of movie. Insidious definitely is your choice. let's go to cinema and ready to be SCARED.

A write for instability of emotion

 Trust could be lost, once you step in the complicated reality. 

whats make life keep going on ? its's people, wad makes so much of problems here and there? people !

...they drives you to heaven yet they pull you down to hell...what should i believe...keep stand on the safe side and watching the drama around ?
That is what i am doing from pass to then..

 perhaps this is good to have the first try, even though it is the endless gaming for life. 
instead of watching , let's try to participate the ride and see wad is happening on next.   

Wednesday, October 16, 2013





Wednesday, October 9, 2013


本人虽然向面书度发泄过了,也曾经尝试冷静下来思考过. 但,一想到李小蔗电邮的内容,情绪又不受控了. (不要拦着我,我要踢她下楼.    哦...哪实在太残忍了,她还有女儿需要她细心的栽培,....哪诅咒她女儿嫁不出好了)

做为师长的责任就是教导学生. 虽说大学程度的 学生要学习自立,要懂得自己解决鸡皮小葱的问题,但是=.=...由一个完全不是这个科系expert 的导师来领,书也教错,作业内容一知半解的你有啥资格跟我呛啥啊?!...况且你给的direction跟comment都不match ==

其母之! ... ... 在这说了一堆很负面的话,其实, 真!的! 有! 帮! 助!
也没什么好抱怨的(很官方的对blogger 说),生活就是弱肉强食,导师永远是对的,只要你的分数在他/她的手上,你没得反抗...我希望的是有一天可以还她一句"check dictionary if dont know the meaning ya" 你娘亲!==

我鄙视她白鸽眼的态度. 特别疼爱聪明的学生没有错,是自然反应,但也不可以把学习比较差的同学当白痴敷衍,你领的部分薪水还不是我给的钱.

最后还要很不甘愿的回她thank you. 其实超不爽==


当做学习, 好笑吗?!

最后,   学习看人脸色倒不如学习如何让人看你的脸色*haha, evil laugh*