Tuesday, December 29, 2009

dilemma on skip class or not......@.@

wakaka....i'm so bad.....
still thinking abt wan to skip class or not,....
this question is started from i wake up tat moment ~

finally , make a decision ad la...kaka

i SKIP ! ....yuhuu....

the reason for me to skip those class is
i'm not prepare well of the tutorial.....
i'm already have the concept abt the MMS lecture 2......
i'm lazy~ hahaha
therefore, i skip all the class on afternoon....wahaha.....

the task for today is KILL all the ants in my room @@....awwWWW...
it is terrible see those ants walking .....running....jogging in my room....T.T
luckily , those ants dun know fly and jump(?? me sot liao).....haha....
ah boh, sure i will faint right now .....wakaka

nyek nyek nyek ......all the ants in my room here got announcement for u guys.... guys better run AFAP from this second.....ab boh.....the next get to hell is you !wahahaha.............